The answer to this problem really rests with kart manufacturers doesn't it?
Stop making the bloody things sit below the chassis rails!!!!!!!!!
Not exactly rocket science and it would save yet another absolutely stupid rule being introduced by 'suits' who have no idea that they are alive or what day of the week Sunday falls on.
As if we haven't got enough legislation.
What about some legislation to get rid of legislation?
We could call these Daves instead of Bills.
Having experimented with one of these things on our Kosmic, I've found that they wear at an alarming rate and you'll be replacing the 'skid' very quickly if you're a kerb user.
I'm going to fit a replaceable metal skid cover that I can replace for a few pence each time, instead of being fleeced for loads of wonger.
It will have the added spectacle of lots of sparks too, a la the old ground effect F1 cars.
Anyone got any spare tittytitanium?
Yes! my windows is working but it has been ten minutes now, sooooooo..................._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________spyware,malware,virus,worm, a BIG HELLO to you.
Coming soon to a PC near you, YOUR ONE!