The Ven05 as excellent brakes and much better than standard type brakes. Also its an expensive piece of kit , a new complete unit is over £450.00. So its worth sorting out yours . Here are the prices for the bits from
resume of the bits here:- CRG V05 BRAKE DISC Cast Iron ** £93.40 CRG V05 SAFETY PIN for Brake Pads ** £1.76 CRG V05 DUST GUARD SEAL for Caliper ** £2.28 CRG V05 SEAL for Caliper ** £3.41 CRG V05 PISTON for Caliper ** £3.85 CRG V05 BLEEDER Union M10 for Caliper ** £2.54 CRG V05 BRAKE PAD SINGLE RED for Cast Iron Disc ** £16.02 CRG V05 BRAKE PAD SET of 2 RED for Cast Iron Disc ** 32.03 CRG V05 M 5 x 8 Convex Head Screw for Master Cylinder ** £0.28 CRG V05 BRAKE CALIPER with RED PADS ** £214.53 CRG V05 FLANGE for Brake Disc ** £23.15 CRG V05 BUSHING FLOATING PIN for Brake Disc ** £1.83 ACRG V05 ELASTIC WASHER for Bushing Floating Pin ** £0.95 CRG V05 CIR CLIP for Bushing Floating Pin ** £0.34 CRG V05 ELASTIC PIN D10 for Bushing Floating Pin ** £1.50 CRG V05 BUSHING FLOATING COMPLETE for Brake Disc ** £4.59 CRG V05 REPAIR KIT for Brake Caliper. Overhaul Kit ** £19.69 CRG V05 REAR Brake Disc Cast Iron Comp ** £190.69 AFCRG V05 BRAKE Tube 720mm STEEL covered in RED PLASTIC ** £19.31 FCRG V05 MASTER CYLINDER Complete ** £117.63 CCRG V05 REPAIR KIT for Master Cylinder. Overhaul Kit ** £25.03 CRG V05 GASKET for Master Cylinder ** £2.90